Reinventing Liberal Arts Education: research-informed, technology-enhanced teaching
Virtual Museum: Adaptation of National Intangible Cultural Heritage under the Covid-19 Pandemic
With the support of Quality Enhancement Support Scheme and Intangible Cultural Heritage Office, Professor Selina Ching Chan and her team developed a “Virtual Museum of National Intangible Cultural Heritage: Adaptation of Buddhist Sam Kok Pier Hungry Ghosts Festival under COVID-19 Pandemic.” This is the first virtual museum for intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong. By utilizing research findings and digital technology, the virtual museum aims to transfer knowledge, promote public education, and enhance the public understanding of local communities and identities. This project also demonstrates how Hong Kong Shue Yan University performs public education on Chinese heritage and reinvents Liberal Arts University education through research-informed, technology-enhanced teaching. Click here for a quick view of the 3D model of the temporary altar displayed in the virtual museum. See animations displayed in the virtual museum below.