Page 14 - 香港樹仁大學中學興趣專題講座系列 Hong Kong Shue Yan University Popular Thematic Talks for Secondary Schools Series 2019-2020
P. 14

香港樹仁大學中學興趣專題講座系列 Hong Kong Shue Yan University Popular Thematic Talks for Secondary Schools Series 2019-2020

                              講座編號 TALK NO
                                                     不只視覺效果咁簡單 – 科幻小說電

                                             10      影知多 D

                                                     「阿凡達」、「 變種特攻」、「挑戰者一號」,這些電影的共
                                                      通點是甚麼?雖然「阿凡達」 是一個有關殖民與剝削的故事,
                                                     「 變種特攻」是一個有關「他者化」的故事,而「挑戰者一
                英國語言文學系                              說,這些科幻電影都不外乎是賣弄特技跟視覺效果的大眾娛
                Department of English                疑社會的常理。是次講座將簡單介紹何謂科幻小說與電影,從
                Language and Literature              而探討它們如何對人類社會及科學科技發展提出各種質問。不
                                                     例如,多啦 A 夢挑戰了我們對時間的理解;小飛俠阿童木表示

                主講: 林綺雯博士                            了對人/機械人分類的關注等等。就此,是次講座希望傳遞一個

                Dr. Lam Yee Man                             歡迎中四至中六學生參加
                                                            講授語言:粵語及英語皆可

                林綺雯,香港中文大學文化研究博士,現為香港                More than visual effect — What is
                化、旅行文化、科幻電影與小說等課程。研究興 Science Fiction and Film?
                趣與專長包括環境文化研究。個人著作可見於學                Avatar,  X-men,  Ready  Player  One,  for  many,  are  pure
                術期刊 Nature and Culture, Ethics and the   entertainment,  with  visual  effects  as  their  selling  point;  nothing
                Environment 等。                       more. But in fact, these science fiction films deal with the impact of
                                                     science upon us and our society, examine how human reacts to
                                                     changes  brought  by  science  and  technology,  and  explore
                Dr.  Lam Yee Man obtained her doctoral degree   alternative.  They  are  speculations  of  our  future.  This  talk  will
                from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her
                research is centered on environmental ethics and   introduce, very briefly, science fiction and film and its sub-genres
                culture. She is currently teaching courses such as   and discuss how hypothetical questions are raised in these texts:
                Popular Culture, Travel and Culture, Science, Film   Avatar  is  about  colonization  and  exploitation;  X-men  is  about
                and Fiction and working as an assistant professor in  othering;  Ready  Player  One  is  about  virtual  reality  and  our  real
                the Department of English Language and   world. Japanese science fiction manga has raised similar questions
                Literature, Hong Kong Shue Yan University.   too:  Doraemon  challenges  our  conception  of  time;  Astro  boy
                                                     questions who we human are. The talk would like to end with a
                                                     message that science fiction and film are all about asking questions,
                                                     raising issues, and seeing the world from a different perspective.

                                                            Suitable for Secondary 4 to 6 students
                                                            This talk can be delivered in either Cantonese or English
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