獲資助的8個研究項目中,6個屬於「教員發展計劃」 (Faculty Development Scheme,簡稱FDS),2個屬 於「院校發展計劃協作研究撥款」(Institutional Development Scheme Collaborative Research Grant,簡稱 IDS(C ))。(見表)
8個研究項目皆屬於「人文學及社會科學」學科,與大學近 年積極「推動數碼人文,重塑博雅教育」的宗旨相配合。
仁大協理學術副校長(大學研究)李允安博士接受《樹仁簡 訊》訪問時表示,學校近年在學術研究方面投放不少資 源,這次的撥款總額為2022/2023年度本地自資學位界別 競逐研究資助參與院校之首,仁大於本年所獲得的研資局 款項也較去年超出一倍。
屬於 院 校 發 展 計 劃 協 作 研 究 撥 款 的 兩 個 大 型 研 究 項 目: 「測繪後疫情的長者數碼鴻溝及資訊科技用戶多樣性:協 助制定服務及政策發展的混合研究」(Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users postCOVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development),和「抗逆力、生活逆境和早 期成年到晚期成年的生活適應」(Human Resilience, Life Adversity, and Adaptation to Life Course Transitions from Early Adulthood to Late Middle Adulthood),屬 跨部門、跨學科合作的研究項目,成功取得逾974萬元資 助,成績令人鼓舞。
李允安博士認為,不同學系的教研人員的踴躍積極,為 仁 大 建 立 很 好 的 學 術 研 究 氛 圍 , 研 究 辦 事 處(R e s ea r c h Office)會透過定期舉辦研討會、工作坊等,協助及支援 有意申請研究資助的同事,「仁大有研究基金資助前導研 究(pilot study),可供教研人員在正式開展大型研究前 先進行評估或研究,這對日後申請大型資助計劃也有一定 幫助。」
他續指,自上任後已與大部份教研人員會面,「當發現不 同學系的教學人員在研究上有類近想 法,我也會建議雙方可互相了解 跨學科合作的可能性,從而大 大提升研究項目的可行性及 成功率。」
Projects obtained funding from the Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2022/2023
Project Title 項目名稱 |
Principal Investigator 首席研究員 |
Funding Period (Months) |
Amount Awarded (HK$) |
Hong Kong as the Pioneer Disseminating the Information on the West to the East: Retrace and Reinterpret the Intellectual Source for China’s and Japan’s Modernization in the Second Half of the 19th Century (UGC/FDS15/H01/22) | Prof WEI Chuxiong (HIST) |
24 | 657,900 |
Settlement towns built on the north-eastern steppe of Inner Mongolia during Khitan-Liao and their impact on Chinese history: A new inquiry on Touxia (UGC/FDS15/H03/22) | Prof YANG Ruowei (CHI) |
30 | 903,402 |
The effect of abnormal structural and functional resting-state connectivity in prefrontal cortex and increased exposure to traffic-related air pollutants on schizotypy (UGC/FDS15/H06/22) | Dr LAM Yin-hung (C&P) |
30 | 1,353,283 |
Quality transition strategies facilitating the transition from teenage to adulthood for persons with intellectual disabilities and their family carers(UGC/FDS15/H09/22) | Dr MO Yuen-han (SW) |
18 | 635,387 |
The interactions of L1 and L2 tonal systems in Mandarin-Cantonese late bilinguals (UGC/FDS15/H15/22) | Dr YANG Yike (CHI) |
24 | 835,558 |
Understanding the new solidarities and public roles of transnational Chinese Buddhist organizations by movement organization theory (UGC/FDS15/H19/22) | Dr HUANG Weishan (SOC) |
36 | 960,925 |
Sub-total of FDS projects: | $5,346,455 | ||
Mapping the grey digital divide and diversity in older ICT users post-COVID: A mixed-method research informing service and policy development (UGC/IDS(C)15/H01/22) | Dr LAU Hi-po (C&P) |
36 | 4,388,777 |
Human Resilience, Life Adversity, and Adaptation to Life Course Transitions from Early Adulthood to Late Middle Adulthood (UGC/IDS(C)15/H02/22) | Prof TANG So-kum (C&P) |
36 | 5,359,056 |
Sub-total of IDS(C) projects: | 9,747,833 | ||
Total: | 15,094,288 |