在教與學提升委員會(ATLC)承辦下,香港樹仁大學宣布了首屆卓越教學獎(Teaching Excellence Award)及學生專題獎(Student Project Award)的获獎者,以表彰出色及創新的教學表現與學習成果,營造卓越的教育與學習氛圍。同时,這些獎項亦旨在促進師生間的相互學習。
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Winners of the T eaching Excellence Award and S tudent Project Award.
The University wishes to extend heartfelt congratulations to the winners of 2022/23 Teaching Excellence Award and S tudent Pr oject Award.

2022/23 Teaching Excellence A ward Winner Dr. Yang Yike (Depar tment of Chinese Language and L iterature)
Dr. Yang's award-winning course“ Digital Technologies in Teaching”(IDP 401) was developed as an elective for the education concentrations in Chinese, English, and history. The course aims to introduce students to new technologies used in education and provide them with the opportunity to explore the integration of these technologies into their teaching practices. It covers various areas such as learning management systems, extended reality (XR), geographic information systems (GIS), and 3D printing.
The course places a strong emphasis on training students to integrate digital technology into pedagogy effectively. Dr. Yang employs innovative teaching methods that encourage hands-on learning experiences for the students. One notable aspect of the course is that students are given the opportunity to create their own Open Educational Resources (OERs), allowing them to apply the knowledge and skills the y have ac quired thr oughout the c ourse.
2022/23 S tudent Pr oject A ward Winner s "The Real Surrealism Masterpiece: Salvador Dalí versus the Artificial Int elligence" Contributors: Chan Ying Yuet , Cheung Hoi Yi, Chan Tsz Hin (Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Department of Sociology)
This project designed an exhibition that includes both Salvador Dalí's original artworks and artworks generated by artificial intelligence. Dali's works and Al-generated works were mixed and randomly placed on site. The exhibition aims to increase public understanding of surrealist art, raise public awareness of surrealist art, and provoke critical reflection on the impact of AI on artistic practice.

"Zheng He's Voyages to the West and the Ming Dynasty De fense Cons truction" Contributors: Fu Wing Yu, Lin Jian Ye, Wong Hoi Yan, Lee Chung Ming ( Department of History)
This project aims to enhance secondary school students' interest in learning Chinese History through the use of open educational resources (OER) in the form of a website. This project stands out with its integration of immersive technologies such as AR and VR. With these technologies, users can learn about the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, one of the most important defence constructions in the Ming Dynasty, explore Zheng He's voyages, and discover the routes Zheng He travelled.
"Adoption and Use of Digital Technologies in Museums: A Case Study of Hong Kong Palace Museum" Contributors: Ma Tsz Lui, Ning Chao, Wu Yihan, Chen Jing , Wang Jiani (Department of History and Department o f Accounting )
The project reflected on the adoption and use of digital technologies in museums through a case study of the Hong Kong Palace Museum. Quantitative analysis was used to assess the attractiveness of all digital devices in eight galleries. The study helps to assess the achievements and shortcomings of different digital technologies in the Hong Kong Palace Museum.