On 22 February 2024, the 2024 Spring Dinner Organizing Committee of the Department of Social Work held a Chinese New Year celebration event at Mrs Dorothy Koo and Dr Ti Hua Koo Plaza. The event saw the participation of approximately 200 guests, including Dr. HU Fai Chung, Deputy President of HKSYU; Prof. CHEUNG Siu Keung, Vice President (University Administration); Ms. YIP Sau Yin, Associate Vice President (Student Affairs); Dr. LUI Chit Ying, Assistant Academic Vice President and Head of Department of Law and Business; and Dr. FONG Fu-fai, Head of the Department of Social Work. Faculty members, students, and alumni from the Department of Social Work, along with guests from the social welfare sector, were also present to commemorate the joyous occasion.
(Chinese version only. Please scroll down to read the full content in Chinese.)
香港樹仁大學社會工作學系2 0 2 4 春茗籌備委員會,於 2024年2月2 2日在顧鐵華費肇芬伉儷廣場舉辦「2024龍年 春茗『曦』也~『曦』呀~ H e y!」新春聯歡活動,當日嘉 賓眾多,出席人數約20 0人,包括仁大常務副校監胡懷中博 士、仁大行政副校長張少強教授、仁大協理副校長(學生 事務)葉秀燕女士、仁大助理學術副校長兼法商系系主任 呂哲盈博士、仁大社工系系主任方富輝博士,和一眾社工 系師生與校友,以及社福界嘉賓。
這項新春聯歡活動舉辦多年,已視為仁大社工學系的傳統 活動;仁大社工系系主任方富輝博士指出,活動旨在聯繫 各師生與校友,期望系會學生能在活動策劃統籌過程中, 提升組織及溝通能力。
當晚活動內容精彩豐富,除了有醒獅點睛和切燒豬儀式, 更有社工系同學唱歌及跳舞,氣氛熾熱。
仁大常務副校監胡懷中博士(左六)、行政副 校長張少強教授(左五)、協理副校長(學生 事務)葉秀燕女士(右六)、
助理學術副校長 兼法商系系主任呂哲盈博士(右五)、社工系 系主任方富輝博士(右四),與來賓及學生代 表一同參與切燒豬儀式。