Sociology Student Grace Awarded “For Our Future Scholarship”

Miss LI Yi Grace, a fourth-year student from the Department of Sociology, was awarded the Third “For Our Future Scholarship”. The Award Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 26 April at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The scholarship is offered by “The Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation” to local university students in recognition of their academic studies and contributions to society. More than 210 outstanding candidates from 13 local institutions applied for the scholarship this year. After rigorous selection by the Selection Committee, 15 students from 11 local institutions win recognition in the Third “For Our Future Scholarship”, each student is awarded a scholarship of HK$50,000.

*Chinese version only


社會學系四年級李意同學獲頒發第 三 屆「 創 明 天 獎 學金 」,頒 獎典禮已於 4 月 2 6 日假香港會議展覽中心圓滿舉行。


